Trump's Sexual History: How He Can Flip This Upside Down

This isn't 1998 anymore!

In 1998, American culture leaned more towards The Andy Griffith Show than The Walking Dead!
Since the Obama administration, America has experienced 12 of the 20 greatest mass shootings in US history!  Nine of which took place under President Obama and already, three under President Trump's administration!

President Trump is facing a 60 Minutes segment with porn "actress" Stormy Daniels who is threatening to "tell all" about her sexual relations with Donald Trump.  Her story is well known, leading most cable TV news stories daily along with a few other females claiming Donald Trump as private citizen sexually harassed or was involved sexually with these women.

Donald Trump, first as man, then as President can simply say, "So what?"

President Trump can claim he has not had any inappropriate relations, and unlike President Bill Clinton, he did not shame the White House. He can claim he was a private citizen when these accusations took place, and argue, "So what?"

Would it surprise anyone today that the President would take this stand and reason by saying he was a private citizen when this "allegedly" took place, that it is a waste of time and energy to focus on this issue, that the Democrats are hypocritical in their response to him compared to then President Clinton, that the focus on Clinton actually weakened America making it vulnerable for an attack, and make his core argument that infidelity and powerful men is common.

If President Trump argued that if we looked at the history of powerful men, we would see a clear pattern of sexual infidelity.  Guess what, he would be correct!  If he said liberal culture on one hand says, "stay out of my bedroom" then on the other hand says, "what you did in your bedroom matters" he could rattle liberals because this is not 1998 anymore!

Is there anyone who thinks our President would not be this bold?

President Trump could rationalize that in every time period, if we gather powerful men from every sector, we will see some form of sexual behavior that threatens traditional roles of marriage.  We live in a "Modern Family" culture today, not The Andy Griffith Show!

Imagine if Donald Trump said something like this;
If you gather every President, Vice President, CEO, CFO, Executive from every political party in the world and every company that exists over time, you will see the majority, not the minority of men have been involved in some type of sexual behavior with women outside of marriage!  Does anyone in the Senate or Congress today want to take a truth pill on this subject?  I don't think so!   This is a subject Americans do not want to face, a conversation we do not want to have because the results will make many uncomfortable.  Guess what?  Most of the world doesn't care and laughs at America for such matters!  We are seen as weak all because a man was attracted to a woman? Really?  Men like attractive this something new under the sun?  The American people want their politicians to govern them well, not act like priests, pastors, or rabbis, because if you think they are holy men, you are naive and better watch Disney movies.  Let's get back to making America great again and stop all this nonsense!
How do you think this will land?  My guess is Donald Trump would get another pass and leave his detractors stunned and left confused trying to figure out what it will take for this man to crumble!


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