Mass Shootings: Our System is a Revolving Door

One thing we do not deal with in our political system is the revolving door of new Presidential administrations.  Let's look back to move forward;

First off, Columbine was NOT the first mass shooting.  Columbine was the first significant MASS shooting in a new age of the Internet.  Our awareness changed and Michael Moore's documentary preserved this for the next generation.

When we look at mass shootings, they all took place during a Presidential administration.  Each President addressed this in a particular way.  Guess what?  When a new President comes into office, a new method to understand and cope takes place.  This is why each time it feels like we are starting over.  There is almost no collected wisdom!

What makes matters even more stunning is looking at how many mass shootings have taken place, and few people really are aware of this data.  In an age of information, ready at the click of a button, take a look at this list of mass shootings over the ages and the obvious increase.  Prepare to be overwhelmed!

List of Mass Shootings

If you ask most people, they believe Columbine was the first mass shooting when this cultural decline has taken place.  The data proves otherwise!

The list of the deadliest shootings in U.S. History. (1950--)
There have been 20.

1949: Camden shooting   (13 killed)  President Truman

1966: University of Texas tower shooting   (18 killed including the perpetrator)  President Johnson

1982: Wilkes-Barre shootings   (13 killed)  President Reagan

1984: San Ysidro McDonald's massacre:   (22 killed including the perpetrator)  President Reagan

1986: Edmond post office shooting   (15 killed including the perpetrator)  President Reagan

1990: The GMAC Killing   (10 killed)  President H. W. Bush

1991: Luby's shooting   (24 including the perpetrator)  President H. W. Bush

1999: Columbine High School massacre   (15 including both perpetrators)  President Clinton

1999: Atlanta shootings   (10 killed including the perpetrator)  President Clinton

2005: Red Lake shootings   (10 killed including the perpetrator)  President G. W. Bush

2007: Virginia Tech shooting   (33 killed including the perpetrator)  President G. W. Bush

2009: Binghamton shootings   (14 killed including the perpetrator)  President Obama

2009: Fort Hood shooting   (13 killed)  President Obama

2009: Geneva County massacre   (11 killed including the perpetrator)  President Obama

2012: Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting   (28 killed including the perpetrator)  President Obama

2012: Aurora shooting   (13 killed)  President Obama

2013: Washington Navy Yard shooting   (13 killed including the perpetrator)  President Obama

2015: San Bernardino attack   (16 killed including both perpetrators)  President Obama

2015: Umpqua Community College shooting   (10 killed including the perpetrator) Obama

2016: Orlando Nightclub shooting   (50 killed including the perpetrator)  President Obama

2017: Las Vegas shooting   (59 killed including the perpetrator)  President Trump

2017: Sutherland Springs Church shooting   (27 killed including the perpetrator)  President Trump

2018: Stoneman Douglas High School shooting   (17 killed)  President Trump

List of Presidents who experienced a mass shooting:

 President Truman (1)

 President Johnson (1)

 President Reagan (3)

 President H. W. Bush  (2)

President Clinton (2)

President G. W. Bush (2)

President Obama (9)

President Trump (3)

President Obama experienced NINE mass shootings!
President Trump has been in office a year and has experience THREE already!

Out of the 20 mass shootings, 12 have taken place since 2009!

There has been TWELVE MASS SHOOTINGS since President Obama took office.  Please tell me our government has come up with some solution!  The Obama administration had a PANDEMIC of mass shootings and what did they learn?  What did they pass onto the next administration?  Why is it after every mass shooting does our government act like this has never happened before?  How many current governmental officials even know our history of mass shootings?  This would be the question I would ask any and all people in government!

You can't solve a problem you are not even aware of!

During the last Presidential election, did you ever hear one question about mass shootings?  I don't recall hearing this.  It would seem if we were connected to this reality of mass shootings, it would be one of the most significant questions to ask a Presidential candidate!

Time to WAKE UP to reality!


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