The Insanity of Arming Teachers

It will never work!  There, argument and discussion over.

Teachers are mostly liberal in public schools.  They hate guns much less want to wear one in the classroom.  Yet the President spoke of this solution with such pride and a sense of brilliance.  His ego overcompensation was in full view on this lecture to his hand selected round table enablers.  Sorry, not a point of pride on my part, but sadly, and typically, in this setting we do not have men of courage to think critically in the face of the "president or CEO."

If this talking point becomes part of the newscycle--a panel of teachers debating and military personnel discussing how teachers can wear guns we will have hit a pathetic low!

Let me say this, it does on surface make some sense that if we had an armed person on the campus when  a shooter emerges and starts his rampage of spraying bullets, there is a crucial time period here.  The numbers discussed were 3-7 minutes of firing and a police response time of 5-7 minutes.  By the time authorities get to the school, it is too late.  Therefore, if we had someone armed on campus, they could stop the shooter before he causes more damage.

This of course opens a massive door of debate.  If this was ironed out, I would be open to this solution.  However, this is where the breakdown happens especially with President Trump.  This is the turning point where thinking needs to take place, and he doesn't think well, he doesn't think much at all!  President Trump is a box checker personality.  He wants to show strength by showing us how many boxes he has checked like a governmental To Do's list.

In order to think you have to be aware of congruent options.  If you are not, you grab hold of the one thought you possess and then work it over and over again.  That is exactly what President Trump has mastered.  He takes one core thought and discusses it from different angles.  This is a lot like a painter with one color, no matter how many times you creatively use your brush on the canvas, in the end it is the same color!  Wouldn't it be great if life was one color!  Wow, did I just say that?  Don't take that too far, but it does make us go, "Hmmmmm!"

You Can't Impart What You Don't Possess
In a culture that cannot a handle a thought past a bark bite, candidate Trump made a direct hit with the culture by keeping it simple.  There has been analysis of his words and they are very simple and direct;
politically correct
out of control

This might work well running for office and Tweeting, but not so good when there needs to be in-depth discussion over complicated issues like gun control, school shootings and whether or not to arm school teachers!  Houston, we have a serious problem!

Listening to my President discuss the solution of having teachers wear guns was like a drunk man ramble on about the Bible.  His point-of-view is the correct one, there is no other, and everyone listening agrees.  There has to be a time when Meathead interrupts Archie and says, "That's crazy...what are you thinking!"

If those surrounding President Trump's world cannot challenge him, then our "yes men" politicians and governmental leaders will cause America to suffer immensely.  Since the President has been in office, more people have come and gone in appointed positions than ever before.  So it seems that when you do stand up to President Trump, you're fired!  This is what happens when we elect a child to be President, and the President thinks like a fourth grade student.

Teachers will never wear guns in their respected classrooms!  The logistics for this to take place in real time requires so much complex policy and training it only becomes a talking point that makes a politician feel empowered.  It will accomplish nothing, and President Trump prided himself on taking action and not just talking.  This is just talk.  I will not even break down the arguments of how difficult it would be to train teachers to wear firearms.  If he wants to propose having an armed guard in all high schools to start with, that is another argument.

The teachers having guns argument is useless, and by wanting to win, the President becomes the moron and we end up losing!

As I post this, President Trump is part of a Conservative political action conference with mayors discussing specifics in their communities about gun violence.  His main response was offensive measures!  We are wasting our time without offensive measures and capabilities within our schools. 

The argument comes back to having someone in the schools armed.  It will never happen with teachers, so the President needs to stop that discussion and take the next step and simply say we need armed guards in our schools.  His insistence on having "experts," teachers who want to be armed, those at the highest level of competence was his closing point at this Conference.  The logistics of this will take years to put into action, so I argue it is a complete waste of time because as soon as this starts to become a reality, he will be out of office and overturned. 


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