Recently, I have been watching episodes of The Profit . Marcus Lemonis, a multimillionaire businessman seeks to invest in failing smaller businesses. Each episode is similar; he meets the people (usually one or two partners), meets the staff, looks over the financials, assesses the process and then the product. After all of this, he either walks or offers them a deal. If they accept his deal, he usually wants from 25-51% of the company and to control things 100% for the first month to turn things around. His focus is on three building blocks: People, Process, Product. In each episode, the optimistic outlooks turns sour because change is hard. This is very similar to the show The Dog Whisperer . People want their dog fixed but rarely see how they are the main reason the animal is imbalanced and caught in destructive behaviors. It is a show about transforming the adults in the room, not so much the dog! Sh...
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