You Want to STOP the NRA? Do this!

If you want to make a change, you must have understanding... emotional arguments never accomplish real change! If the students involved in the Parkland shooting REALLY want to make their lives count, then they need to focus their energy first on understanding, then on action. I will tell you this, the NRA is scared of kids! The first thing they must recognize is the NRA is a religion. Once they grasp and accept this, then they can start to develop a strategy. What they need is to understand all the benchmarks of a religion. After they unpack this, the lights start to shine. Nothing makes an organization shake in its boots more than knowing how it works! Students need to watch the Leah Remini series on Scientology! Sorry any Parkland students involved in Scientology, but time to get out of that cult. This is exactly what we are dealing with! If I was in leadership with these students, I would get these young minds organize...